Sederot - on the front lines
All's quiet on the western front today. From the western edge of Sederot it is just a couple of miles across this no-mans land into Gaza. This no-mans land is where the the rockets are launched from into Sederot. It takes just 15 seconds from launch for these rockets to cross the road and explode in and around Sederot. These is no telling where these home made rockets will land as they are all constructed differently.
Just a few of the rockets that landed in Sederot.
These home made rockets are packed full nuts, bolts and pieces of rebar.
Designed to injure and kill as many people as possible .
This one landed just outside of sederot just a few days before I was there.
The rockets are collected and dated. Deign and color of the rocket can
indicate which group launched it.
An overbuilt bus stop? No, all the bus stops are also bomb shelters.
Playground attractions ? No
More bomb shelters. The children
are taught at very young age to go for cover as soon as the alarm goes off, Remember you only have fifteen seconds.
This no longer used classroom fell victim to a rocket that landed just feet away.
The new High school. Notice the bomb shelters dotted around the playground area.
Every house in the town also has a bomb shelter.
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