Main Events In the History of Jerusalem
Before going to Israel, brush up on your history. Israel is built in layer upon layer of civilizations. Everywhere you go there are archeological digs. More and more is found every year as areas are built upon. You will tunnels and caves, underground storage bins and even new parts of long ago discovered areas are being unearthed.
1000-961 BCE King David establishes
Jerusalem as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel
961-922 King
Solomon builds the First Temple
922 Division
of the Kingdom into Israel and Judah
701 Hezekiah
successfully withstands Sennacherib’s assault on Jerusalem
587/6 Destruction of Jerusalem and of
the Second Temple by
Nebuchadnezzar. Exile of Jews to Babylon.
537-332 The Persian Period
537 Return of the Jews from
Babylon to Israel
516 Completion of rebuilding the
Second Temple
332-167 Alexander the Great conquest of
312-198 Rule of Ptolmies- Egyptian Greek
198-167 Rule of Selucids- Syrian Greek Empire
169 Antiochus IV Epiphenes, a
Selucid King plunders the Temple
167-163 The Hasmoneans (Maccabees)
167-141 Maccabean War of Liberation
164 Re-conquest of the Temple
Mount and rededication of the Temple (Hanukah)
166-160 Judah the Maccabee rules
63BCE-324CE The Roman period
63 Pompey captures Jerusalem
40-37 Romans ousted briefly by Hasmonian
king, Mattathias Antigonus aided by the Parthians
37BCE-4CE King Herod the Great – Roman proxy king –
builds Antonia fortress, a palace, three towers and rebuilds the Second Temple.
26-36 Pontius Pilot, Roman procurator
of Judea.
33 Crucifixion of Jesus
41-44 Aggripa, king of Judea,builds new
city wall (the “Third Wall”)
66-74 The great revolt against the
70 Fall of Jerusalem and the
destruction of the Second Temple by Titus
132-135 Bar Kochba’s War of Freedom –
Jerusalem again becomes the Jewish capital
135 Emperor Hadrian’s total
destruction of Jerusalem and building of new walls. Jerusalem becomes a pagan
city renamed Aelia Capitolina. Changes from Province of Judea to Province of
324-638 The Byzantine Christian Period
326 Queen Helena, mother of
Emperor Constantine the Great, visits Jerusalemand determines locations of
events associated with the last days of Jesus. This causes churches to be built
to commemorate events, notably the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
614 Persian conquest of Jerusalem
629 Jerusalem recaptured by the
638-1099 The early Muslim Period
638 The Caliph Omar enters
691 Dome of the Rock completed
1099-1187 The Crusader Kingdom
1099 Crusaders capture Jerusalem
1173 Benjamin of Tudela visits
1187 Saladin captures Jerusalem from
the Crusaders
1250-1517 The Mamaluke Period
1267 Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahman (Ramban)
arrives from Spain, revives the Jewish community and establishes a synagogue
and study hall
1517-1917 The Ottoman Turkish Period
1517 Ottoman conquest of Jerusalem
1530’s Sultan Suleiman the “magnificent”
rebuilds the city walls
1700 Rabbi Yehuda HaHassid
arrives,starts building the first Ashkenazi (Hurva) synagogue
1836 First visit of Sir Moses
1860 First settlement outside the
walls of the old city
1917-1948 The British Mandate Period
1917 British conquest and general
Allenbys entry into Jerusalem, British awarded Mandate for Palestine to
establish Jewish National Home
1922 First partition of Palestine.
77% carved out to create Arab state in Palestine-TransJordon
1925 Hebrew University buildings
1947 United Nations Resolution
recommends the partition of the remainderof Palestine into Jewish and Arab
1948-1967 The Divided City
May 14,1948 British Mandate ends and State of Israel
May1948-Jan1949 Israel War of Liberation
May 28,1948 New city of
Jerusalem remains inact but Jewish quarter in the old city walls falls
April 1949 Israel-TransJordan Armistice Agreement
signed, whereby Jerusalem divided by two countries
Dec 1949 Jerusalem is declared Capital of the
State of Israel
June 5,1967 Jordan
shells and mortars Jerusalem’s new city on the first day of the Six Day
June 7,1967 Israeli troops capture the Old City and
Jerusalem is reunited. Moslems, Christians and Jews have free access to their
holy places
1967-1996 United Jerusalem is declared the undivided
capital of the state of Israel
Large areacleared for Kotel Prayer Plaza
Southern Wall excavations reveal remains of
Second Temple Period
City of David excavations reveal remains of
First Temple Period
Building of new neighborhoods in Jerusalem
(Ramat Eshkol, French hill, Gilo, Neve Yaakov, Pisgat Ze’ev
Rebuilding of the old Jewish quarter
1996 Kotel tunnels fully opened to
the public
2003 First Orthodox Mayor elected,
Uri Lupolianski
2007 Jerusalem celebrates40 years of
2008 Nir
Barkat elected Mayor of Jerusalem
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