Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pictures from the Galil

A two minute walk fromKibbutz Nof

        Known as the  "Jesus"boat as it the style of fishing boat used on the Sea of Galilee
        2000 years ago. During a drought the sea level dropped and portions of the boat
        were sticking out of the mud on the lake bed. The think mud has preserved wood
        that was buried but unfortunately a lot had rotted away.  The boat was very fragile
        so a plan was devised to remove it from the lake in one piece. It was cleaned off in
        place and covered in a spray foam and it was then removed in one big chunk of
        foam and wood.  It was then painstakingly thoroughly cleaned and preserved and
        mounted on this custom stand.

                                              A short drive up the hills to the MT of Beatitudes.

                            Beautiful gardens and breathtaking views from the Mt of Beatitudes.

                                         Capernaum. The home base of the Jesus Ministries

                                  Capernaum, The streets between the house are original. The city 
                                  was totally buried for centuries and when dug out revealed the 
                                  remains of the streets and houses.

                                                                The Synagogue at Capernaum

                        The foundations of this synagogue reveal  some interesting information. The 
                        synagogues were always built facing North-South East-West. The bottom layer 
                        of foundation stones are all squared off and in alignment. The second 
                        layer are run at an angle to the first layer and run out of alignment by about
                       18 inches and are also tapered in thickness but the top is level. This indicates 
                       that there has been a large earthquake there and that there have been two
                       synagogues on the site.

                         A sample of the ornate carvings on the headers on the Temple columns

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